Stronger Than
In 2022 we ran our first Fall GGC. I decided that I wanted to pick a rotating Non-Profit each fall, as a way to include MORE of our awesome people doing awesome things in the community. In 2022 we linked up with Pull Your Heart Out, in 2023 we worked with the Papa Bear Strong Foundation, and 2024 we are working with Stronger Than.
You might recognize them, they have ran one of the biggest and baddest local meets for the GGC for the past several years, and Jason, the big man in charge, is one of our coaches providing feedback to lifters. You might notice a theme, all three of these organizations are actively involved in the GGC, support it in many ways, and we are actively working to support them. Support those that support you!

Who Is Stronger Than?
Most of us who lift know that we feel better, both physically and mentally, when we lift consistently. There is something that comes from that job well done, something healthy, something that clears the mind, that settles the soul. This is their entire idea, that if we can get people to build a strong body, the mind will follow. That powerlifting is a safe space, a shared space, a place where we all can focus on being better than we were yesterday, one step at a time.
And if you do that, if you take it step by step, understand there are setbacks but that you are SO much further along today than you were last week, the month before, and so on… well, you’ll continue down that path and likely bring others with you.
“It is common knowledge that exercise is good for your body. Exercise has also been shown to improve one’s overall feeling of “wellness”.
Weight training is not just about muscle size. Studies have shown that regular intervals of anaerobic activity such as powerlifting can help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and stress.
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.”
If you didn’t get it yet, let me give you some examples. If you beat cancer, you are “Stronger Than – Cancer”. If you are besting depression, you are “Stronger Than – Depression”. Got it? So not only are we talking about the physical aspects of strength demonstrated through powerlifting, but the overall character development of a human being.
Why Stronger Than?
I mentioned earlier that they are repeat participants in the GGC, with a dozen athletes in the 2024 Spring GGC alone. Their gym is decked out in some of the finest powerlifting equipment on the planet including Ghost Strong monos, combo benches, and more.
Jason has been a part of our GGC Coaches feedback group for multiple years now, helping provide 50+ lifters with actionable feedback and cues to continue their progress. He was also an anonymous donator (I’m ousting him here) to the Papa Bear Strong Foundation last year, helping us round up our total dollar amounts to $2k.
And honestly, their entire goal is to welcome people to an inclusive environment of lifting. I’m pretty positive they copied that from the GGC, but it is totally OK. They are doing awesome stuff for people who need some support, and we want to be a part of that.
How Can You Help?
First, enter the 2024 Fall Garage Gym Competition. We will be donating $1 on your behalf directly to Stronger Than for each participant.
Second, you can check out their site, contact them, and see how you can help.
Third, you can buy some of their merch. I’m personally eyeing down one of these bad boys:

And last, we are working on our Fall Non-Profit Raffle. So keeps your eyes peeled for that. You’ll be able to donate to a good cause and maybe walk away with something one-of-a-kind awesome.
That is it on Stronger Than, I hope to see you in the 2024 Fall GGC!