Garage Gym Black Friday Deals 2025
READY FOR SOME DEALS? The best Garage Gym Black Friday deals from the best sponsors out there... the Garage Gym Competition sponsors!

JuggernautAI has 50% off your First month and $70 off an annual plan
As always, you can save on JuggernautAI with code GGC!

They had a Halloween deal that had their bumpers at $1lb. So keep an eye out for Black Friday.

The Hyper Pro is $400 off!
Check out Freak Athlete.
PRIME FITNESS Nothing beats Prime

Last year Prime had sales, but no details yet for 2024.

LIVING FIT Bars, benches, plates, racks

Living Fit has a pretty stacked deal going on, here are the details:
- Spend $150: Get Either a Slam Ball (5-25 lbs) or a Set of 4 Resistance Bands
- Spend $300: Get Both A Slam Ball (5-50 lbs) and a Set of 4 Resistance Bands
- Spend $500: Get a Chrome Barbell and Collars
- Spend $750: Get Chrome Barbell, Collars, + Your Choice of Slam Ball (5-50 lbs) or a Set of 4 Resistance Bands
- Spend $1,000: Get All of the Above. So Get a Chrome Barbell, Collars, + Your Choice of Slam Ball (5-50 lbs), & a Set of 4 Resistance Bands
- Get a free barbell with any bumper plate set purchase
- But one set of 4 bands and get one set free
- free bands when buying three pieces of flooring
- free barbell with 10 pieces of flooring.
AND they have the following:
Barbells 50 % OFF, Speed Ropes 50 % OFF, Dumbbells 25% OFF, Slam Balls 25% OFF, Bumper Plates 25% OFF, Weight Vests 25% Off, & Adjustable Bench 20% OFF.
STRENGTH WAREHOUSE USA Everything Under One Roof

- 20% off Body-Solid Home Gyms
- Up to 20% off Body-Solid Strength Equipment
- Up to 20% off Body-Solid Pro Clubline Commercial Equipment
- 10% off Body-Solid Endurance Cardio Equipment
- 10% off Powerline by Body-Solid Residential Strength Equipment
- 5% off Body-Solid garage gym packages, dumbbell packages and free weight bundles
WEIGHT IT OUT The Plates That Check Every Box

Weight It Out has 15% off everything plus Free Shipping! 45lbs through 2.5lb plates!
Check the Cast Iron Plates out right here.
Code GGC saves you 5% on everything else.
MICRO GAINZ Every Gym Should Have These

BELLS OF STEEL Everything under One Roof
Bells of Steel has up to 30% off with the BEST sales EVER on their Cable Towers. Sales will start November 7th!
PLATE SNACKS Delicious Deals For The Holidays
Up to 25% off your order with code SNACKFRIDAY23
They will have more details coming very soon!
MUTANT METALS Born In The Garage Gym
OAK CLUB The Home Gym Enthusiasts Choice
BLK CLUB WKD is here… 20% off goods and apparel, with 5% all the way up to 12% off your order (based on what you spend). PLUS new for this year, anything you buy enters you into a drawing for some gift cards!
Check out Oak Club.
as well!
CERBERUS STRENGTH USA Only The Strongest Survive
Cerberus Strength USA – Just announced 25% off for newsletter subscribers
Check out Cerberus Strength USA right here.
GYMPIN Fixing Problems In The Gym
Wall Control Award Winning Organization
Wall Control has 15% off for newsletter subscribers.
BARBELL RESCUE Keep That Barbell Happy
Barbell Rescue had 25% off during the Black Friday window.
MORE GARAGE GYM BLACK FRIDAY DEALS TO COME Come back soon... we'll have more deals as we get into November.
Are these Garage Gym Black Friday Deals better than the sales the rest of the year?
Great question. There are a few things to consider. First, there is no guarantee that anything you want will go on sale during Black Friday. Second, prices on gym equipment often goes up throughout the year. So buying earlier might be a smaller % discount to Black Friday, but it might be a lower price due to increases. Third, gainz today are better than gainz tomorrow. If you buy your gear today, you’ll be able to use it sooner, which means you are ahead of the competition waiting for a better deal.
So, since we are hear right now in the thick of Garage Gym Black Friday Deals, I would order what you want/need instead of waiting for some other “magical” deal.
Why do some of these links not have Garage Gym Black Friday Deals with them?
Not every company offers Garage Gym Equipment Discount Codes. Some companies are very open and free with codes, some are very strict. Some don’t do it at all. I have all of the sponsors listed here, along with the discount codes I have. This allows anyone who wants to purchase and support the GGC and its sponsors to do so from one page. It lets me keep it up to date and organized, and it works out better for everyone.
Found Something Wrong With One Of The Garage Gym Black Friday Deals?
Does one of the links or codes on this page not work? Maybe I’m missing a company that you think should be listed here? Or maybe YOU run a company and you’d like to add your discount codes here. Go ahead and contact me.
How Did I Get All Of These Garage Gym Black Friday Deals?
I’ve been an active member of the garage gym community for over 10 years, writing content, producing videos, and connecting with influencers, companies, and more. Over the years companies have wanted to participate in that journey with me…. and here we are! I’ve always wanted to provide quality information, opportunities, and content for my home gym friends. And who doesn’t love a good deal?
How Much Do YOU make when I use one of your Garage Gym Black Friday Deals?
This varies. A lot of the codes and links above have no monetary kick back at all. I simply have the code, and share it. All are sponsors for the Garage Gym Competition, which means they pay me to be a sponsor, but I don’t get a kick-back on links/codes. And then the actual affiliates range from 2% to 20% of an order. Some are complicated and only pay based on profit from the sale, some differ depending on the type of sale (new customer, returning customer, subscription order). Some are flat rates, sometimes they have promo sales that line up to increased affiliate percentages as well.
For the most part, every order you do with a code/link above kicks back around 5%. So if you buy a $300 barbell, I’d get about $15. You can read more about my experiences as a Home Gym Content Creator and affiliate links as well.
What Do I Do With The Money I Make From These Garage Gym Black Friday Deals?
The vast majority of the money I make here, goes right back into helping me produce future content. Running this competition, advertising campaigns, giveaways, non-profit donations. Cameras, lenses, lighting, and accessories. Gym equipment, upgrades for the garage itself, supplements, and more. And of course, the expenses of a business… website hosting fees, business insurance, LLC fees, taxes and accounting costs, professional services, internet, phone, dues and subscriptions, and much more.
After covering all of that, I use the rest (if there is any), to put back into my family. Maybe a vacation for the year, or to cover that broken doohicky in the house, or new soccer cleats for my daughter. I don’t have aspirations that I’ll ever be the next big entrepreneur setting off on my yaucht paid for by the home gym community. Just that I can pay my bills and do cool things while doing that.