Comparison Trap – Balancing Barbells and Life
You’ve been consistent, put in the work, you are feeling strong. You just hit a new PR! And then you opened Instagram and fell into the comparison trap. Perhaps at first you were inspired by barbell-bending lifts, or a bench bigger than your total, or seeing an influencer hit PR after PR. But now you have started comparing yourself to an impossible ideal and feeling as if you aren’t making any progress at all.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who does this. One of the biggest challenges facing anyone who goes to the gym is the comparison trap. Whether you are the world record holder, or just starting your lifting journey, let’s talk about things you can do to avoid this progress paralysis and avoid the comparison trap.
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Some of the items and links in this article might be affiliate links, or might be linked to a Sponsor of the Garage Gym Competition. These links and sponsorships help fund the website, the competition itself, the newsletter, non-profit donations, and everything else we do FOR FREE here at the GGC. I like to be transparent so you know what is up. I appreciate the support if you choose to use the links.

While numerous influencer accounts make fun of newbies at the gym, post perfect pictures, or only show their top lifts, the majority of people going to the gym are there to cheer you on and lift you up. Oddly enough, that guy or gal lifting 5x what you are and is the size of a house, is often the nicest and most welcoming person in the gym. You know why? Because they love being there, and they want others to love it too!
I’ve found this to be particularly true for those who own home gyms and compete in the Garage Gym Competition. The beauty of the GGC is having an all-inclusive community where it doesn’t matter how much you lift, or how good you look doing it, you have an equal chance of winning. Athletes of all shapes, sizes, and strength levels are highlighted for their accomplishments.
Whether or not you participate in the Garage Gym Competition, finding your community is key to avoiding the comparison trap. Find people who build you up and return the favor for them.
You are the five people you spend the most time with…
Jim Rohn

More often than not, life will find a way to interfere with a perfect workout. Life stressors including work, family, kids, marital conflicts, injuries, and more will always find a way into your life. Consistency in the gym doesn’t mean having a perfect workout every time, but rather showing up. Especially on days when you don’t want to. You may have to be creative with your limited time. You may need to skip certain movements, or put less weight on the bar than originally planned. You may need to say no to conflicts and prioritize your gym time. But guess what?
The fact you showed up means you are in the less than 25% of adults who exercise daily. You are already winning!
Building an active lifestyle outside the gym is just as important as the time spent inside the gym. That can include wrestling with your kids, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking at the back of the parking lot, or putting an exercise bike in front of the TV. What other creative ways do you live an active lifestyle?

Life Outside the Gym
What are your priorities? Is hitting a new PR important to you? Or is training for another hobby more important? Would hitting a 1 rep max help you with your current goals or life situation? If it is, send it! We’re right here with you to support you and cheer you on! If not, we’re still right here to support you and cheer you on! You know what else are great measures of success for the day?
- How many diapers did you change?
- Are you the first one in your family to graduate college?
- Did you quit your job to pursue your passion?
- Did you spend all night taking care of a sick family member?
- Did you discover a new hobby?
- Did you organize the basement?
- Did you get a promotion?
- Are you happier today than you were yesterday?
Acknowledging and celebrating personal milestones in life, both big and small, is just as crucial as recognizing achievements in our fitness journeys.
Avoid The Comparison Trap – Embrace the Journey
Today may not have been your best day in the gym. You might be feeling frustrated that you failed a rep, had to lower your weight, or have been dealing with a nagging injury. Whatever the case may be, find joy in the journey. It’s ok to add fun variations to your workouts. It’s ok to buy a fun piece of equipment to add to your home gym. Hobbies outside of the gym? All good!
I enjoy looking back at old exercise logs and seeing how far I have progressed. I may have lifted heavier at another time in my life, but my current programming is helping me succeed in my current goals. Embrace your successes. Embrace your failures and the lessons you’ve learned. Embrace the friends you’ve made along the way. Your fitness journey will never be perfect. Mine certainly hasn’t been.
I am currently recovering from a disappointing setback from a lower back tweak, as well as multiple life stressors that have brought my overall numbers down significantly. But thanks to my close friends, the home gym community, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way, my journey is on the up and up.
Don’t let the negative influencers drag you down. Instead, find those who will lift you up!
You are strong. You are capable. You are enough!
Thanks to our contributor Josh for the article today. Check him out on Instagram.
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