Become A Freak Athlete In 2025
A common theme in beginning a business is the idea behind trying to help people. In the past few months I’ve watched as Freak Athlete absolutely NAILED this idea with the release of their Nordic Hyper GHD. Their goal was to pack a big punch, in a small package, at a very reasonable price. Why? Because they knew it would be able to positively impact the most amount of people to reach their goals, get out of pain, and become… a Freak Athlete!
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Some of the items and links in this article might be affiliate links, or might be linked to a Sponsor of the Garage Gym Competition. These links and sponsorships help fund the website, the competition itself, the newsletter, non-profit donations, and everything else we do FOR FREE here at the GGC. I like to be transparent so you know what is up. I appreciate the support if you choose to use the links.

Who Is Freak Athlete?
Freak Athlete was started by Benji. He was a semi-pro soccer player who had dealt with a number of injuries. In his pursuit to being un-broken, he discovered the works of Ben Patrick and others who were preaching various ways to address and fix common ailments like knee pain, ankle issues, hip problems, and more. It wasn’t about stretching, or some new type of intervention. It was strengthening the right muscles to allow them to do their job more efficiently. As lifters, we likely know that the path to a bigger Squat isn’t only about bigger quads, but about the entire chain developing to work together.
Alongside Benji you have Yogi, a doctor and head product designer at Freak Athlete. He spent nearly 10 years of his life struggling with knee and back pain, until he traveled down a similar path as Benji. Strengthening and rebuilding. His background in the medical field, paired with his years of pain, have helped him understand the problems that people face.
And that my friends, is Freak Athlete in a QUICK nut-shell. A team of dudes and dudettes who have been there, done that, it didn’t work, and found a new path forward. They want to help YOU follow that same path, but know that access to the right equipment can be expensive and take up a ton of space.
The Freak Athlete Nordic Hyper GHD
This was the first product I had seen from the team, and I was pretty excited. We connected in the latter half of 2023, and I was able to get a pre-release version of the Nordic Hyper to test. After a few weeks I handed off a full page of notes. Good stuff, weird stuff, and observations from me and my wife. They took those notes and ran with it. On top of my feedback, they listened to the plethora of feedback and ideas on their videos across multiple platforms from customers.
They went back to the drawing board, made a number of edits and improvements, and got to the Nordic Hyper GHD. A unit aimed to include Nordic Curls, Back Extensions, Glute Ham Raises, Hip Thrusts, and more all into one compact unit that stores vertically in your home gym.
Not only that, but they had a tight budget they were aiming for. In my experience, a dedicated GHD alone would be about $600, not to mention they eat up a TON of space. So the fact that this comes in around $700 is a crazy deal.
I’ve spent the last 8+ months using the Nordic Hyper GHD every single week. Actually, I was doing DAILY Nordic Curls on my way to my first Flat Nordic Curl. I documented that here, and give you an entire program on how to do the same thing.
What Is New With Freak Athlete?
Freak Athlete dropped the new Hyper Pro, the Leg Developer Attachment, the Upper Body Kit, and a new GHD attachment. If you thought a 6 in 1 machine was awesome, now you can bump that bad boy up to an 8 in 1 machine by adding leg curls and leg extensions. These are staple movements in my personal training as well as my wife’s, but historically we have had to settle for less than ideal attachments for less than ideal benches.
Freak Athlete again reached out for ideas and feedback during the original build. I sent them a bunch of feedback, links, and resources to help them build the best attachment out there. And from what I have seen so far, they might have achieved that.

What Else Does Freak Athlete Do?
Their goal is simply to help you become a Freak Athlete. Their products are geared towards developing weak links, raising your floor so you can reach your peak, and chasing down your goals in whatever sport you operate in. So they offer products to do just that. Their lineup currently is fairly limited, focusing mostly on smaller items. But what they have in store is anything but small! As someone with an inside scoop, you’ll just have to trust me when I say Freak Athlete is going to be one to watch in the future.
Garage Gym Competition Sponsorship
Freak Athlete is back for their second year of the GGC, tossing up a Hyper Pro and all the fixings as their prize for the Spring AND Fall events.
That means TWO people this year are walking away with:
- Hyper Pro
- Leg Developer w/ Cable Attachment
- Upper Body Kit
- GHD Attachment
- maybe more?
We are using our Hyper Pro multiple times a week. A full review will be available for the Hyper Pro, from yours truly, targeted for May. My goal is to review all the pieces to the puzzle.
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