Danielle Hamilton
What I always love about lifting, the GGC, and the home gym life itself, is how people make it their own. Some people use lifting as a way to stay healthy, some use it for mental clarity, and some use it because they see the impact they can have on others. Danielle probably hits all of those, but that last one checks a big box for me. Being strong to crush social stigmas and blaze a path forward for other people and the next generation. That is the kind of lifting mentality I love to see, and you’ll see as we talk to Danielle today.
Let’s Meet Danielle Hamilton

Danielle, tell us a little about yourself.
Team sports were a big part of my childhood. I played soccer and softball. In college I became interested in bodybuilding, swimming, Jiu-Jitsu and ultra-marathon running. Eventually I ditched the running because I am better built for lifting heavy weights. Currently I enjoy training powerlifting, weightlifting & gymnastics and typically split my time between my home gym and my crossfit gym. I work remotely as an Art Director in Vermont so going to the gym is a big part of my social life. At home I enjoy working out with my husband and 3 dogs: 2 rescues and a 200# irish wolfhound/great dane.
When did you join the home gym community?

My husband and I started building out our home gym in 2015. We decided to quit our gym membership and put the hundreds of dollars we were saving on gym fees towards our first rack. We started with a couple of old barbells our friend gave us and slowly acquired two high end barbells. We’ve been working on selling rubber plates and upgrading to competition plates. I really like my 25# Fringe plates, they fit perfect on my barbell.
This summer my husband and I tore out half of the loft in our garage to open up the ceiling. We now have 30 ft of overhead space so I can do bar muscle ups, and so my husband cannot hit the ceiling with his barbell. We also prepared for the harsh Vermont winter by installing a 10,000 watt industrial heater and by hiring 802 Foam Guy to spray foam insulate our entire garage. We also installed new windows to maximize our new heating installations. Making the gym comfortable in 0 degree temperatures has been a life saver with the unpredictability COVID has brought with lock-downs, quarantines, and isolations.
The most recent gym improvements have been a 20# and 30# slam ball, and future improvements are a his and hers rack. We still have our fold away rack, but we just bought a new wall mount rack which we are putting together this week so we can both lift together without having to share a rack which is very difficult due to our size difference. I enjoy doing muscle ups so we purchased an extra pull-up bar to go on our new rack. I also recently installed a TV in the gym so I can watch Netflix or Youtube while working out. What we’re looking to improve next is to upgrade our powerlifting barbells. I’m eyeing the Texas Power Bar. We also want to upgrade our small plates, the 10# and 15# plates and get something a bit sturdier.
Tell me about your experience in the Garage Gym Competition.
I’m psyched to compete in the Garage Gym Competition in May. I’ve been competing since the second year in 2019. I heard about it on Reddit, and I had so much fun I do it every year. It was a lifesaver for my mental health having something fun to do during 2020. I’ve gotten really lucky and won a prize 2 out of 3 years. It’s a very low barrier way to compete for fun. I’m not really a competition person, but having the GGC helps motivate me to push myself to peak for each event. Hitting big numbers on the barbell is what motivates me. I deadlifted 300# for the first-time last year and that was a big accomplishment for me. My future goal is to hit a 300# squat, 200# bench, & 350# deadlift which is what keeps me motivated day after day. Right now, I’m in week 10 of the Hatch program for Back squat.
What is your go to workout music?
Currently I’m listening to KPOP, Cascada, and The Weekend. My favorite workout song is Hooked on a feeling/ Blue Swede from Guardians of the Galaxy.
What is the most important thing people should know about you?

The most important thing about my lifting and my story is that I have become a role model for other women and young girls. I’m breaking stereotypes and preconceived notions of what a woman can or can’t do. It brings me joy when other women or young girls tell me they want to lift heavy too and be strong like me, and I always invite them over to my gym if they are willing to learn. I love being a healthy role model and championing a healthy lifestyle for other women.
Oh, and everyone should check out my favorite foam rolling warmup: https://www.instagram.com/p/B45W2e1l3ko/ (or “how I am a great roll model)
Thanks Danielle!
You can check out more about Danielle on her Instagram @danielle.eats.waffles