Ammonia is For The Children!
Ok… maybe not children. I’ve been watching the Wu-Tang Saga show and felt like slipping in that Wu-Tang reference. On a more serious note, Ammonia in Powerlifting often gets associated with crazy dudes covered in tattoos, screaming, listening to death metal, and crushing weights so big it scares everyone in the gym. EVERY. ONE. The interesting thing is though, that ammonia isn’t just for world record holders, it actually could be very helpful for the average athlete looking for a little boost in a lift.
How Does Ammonia Work?

Ammonia smells terrible, you smell it, get so mad you did that, that you PR your lift, guaranteed. Ok, not exactly, but almost. The ammonia causes an irritation to your nasal passage which triggers the fight or flight response and a subsequent adrenaline rush. The adrenaline gives us a boost much like those mom’s who lift cars off their kids. You get a jolt, you grab the bar, with the hopes that it gives you just the boost you need to tack on an extra rep or few pounds.
That increased focus and attention is most likely the cause of the increased performance… you are IN THE MOMENT.
Is It Safe?
Smelling salts have been around for years, used in medical practice to wake up fainted individuals. More recently the use in sports has given some cause for sinus passage damage, nervous system issues, and other potential concerns. I could not find anything definitive, this just seems to be your typical WebMD “it might be cancer” diagnosis.
As with anything, pay attention to how your body responds, and go from there.
Personal Experience
I tried my first ammonia caps in 2021, they were left overs from my wife’s medical facility that they had to get rid of because they were expiring. I cracked a cap, smelled it, and thought I had a nose bleed. Fast forward to 2022 and I bought a bottle of WARD Insanity in their stainless steel bottle. You can see my experiment here:
So far my experience with ammonia, I liken it to finding the right PR song. It is partly about the adrenaline, the focus, the mentality, but also the ritual. When you hit ammonia, you KNOW it is GO TIME. You lock in, focused, ready to dominate that lift.
When Should I Use It?
I’d lean towards saving ammonia for a single set per day, maybe even less. Big sets that are going to challenge you, the money makers, the 1RMs of the world. Or save it for competition time. The good news with that, is that a bottle should last you a long time.
Where Do I Get It?

The easiest answer is from WARD. They are our sponsor for the 2022 GGC, tossing in a boatload of ammonia for prizes. I’ve used their stainless steel bottle myself and believe for a number of reasons it is the best option on the market. You can use code GGC to save some cash on your order as well.