About The GGC
THE GARAGE GYM COMPETITION (GGC) A virtual powerlifting meet for ALL lifters
Want to test your strength at a powerlifting competition but dont want to leave the comfort of your garage gym?
That is exactly why we have the Garage Gym Competition…
The biggest and baddest virtual powerlifting meet for Garage Gym Athletes, by Garage Gym Athletes!
Free entry, easy participation, tons of prizes… You can even get your friends, family, & kids involved!
We have two main events every year… Spring (May) and Fall (October/November). Both have the same theme and are open the entire week for submission. We spend time throughout the year chatting about home gym life, lifting, and prepping for the main event. Expect official details including sponsors, prizes, and more in March for the Spring and July/August for the Fall.
You can win awesome stuff, free entry, super easy to participate, you can compete at any time during the week of the event and you can even get your kids, spouses, friends and family lifting. No age cut-offs, no clothing requirements, everything is geared towards being inclusive!
Prizes are given out in our drawing where you are entered by participating, not weight classes or amount lifted.We have had sub 100lb totals and 2000lb totals take home BIG prizes. So whether you live and breathe powerlifting, or you are aiming up your first squat ever, you will fit right in! Oh, and I donate money to Non-Profits on behalf of everyone who enters, so you are doing something good no matter what!
Over 75% of our athletes have NO competitive lifting experience
FIRST TIME HERE? Let Me Introduce Myself
HISTORY OF THE GGC Where We Started And Where We Are Going
After talking the idea over with my wife, I reached out to a number of my friends and colleagues in the garage gym space. Everyone liked it, so we ran with it. About a month later and we officially launched. It was ran off my personal Instagram page, and we started with 6 sponsors. 9 more voiced interest in the coming weeks as we started to vocalize it, and formulate the rules and general concepts.
People would ask “I have a bum shoulder, can I use an SSB?” “Sure!” or… “can I do the lifts throughout the week?” “Sure!”… we didn’t have to be a formalized, 100% rule driven competition. We could be a little loose on what counts, and have some fun with it. One of the big benefits of everyone behind the scenes being active lifters, but not necessarily competitive powerlifters.
Year One we had 84 participants, 14 sponsors, and a little over $1,200 in prizes. A success! People were asking for us to return. So, we did! Year 2 we came back with more planning, organization, and ideas to be a little better than the previous year. And as simple as that, every year we have come back and tried to do that… be a little better this year, than the year before.
Why? Powerlifting is all about making small strides each and every day, week after week, month after month, and connecting little wins to pile together a big win at the end of the year. And that is what the GGC is. A ton of work put together towards a big successful event.
We’ve successfully grown from an ad-hoc event scheduled in a matter of a month, using MS Paint and word of mouth to drive participation… to an event with thousands of participants worldwide, over multiple social media platforms, with thousands of dollars of prizes up for grabs.
What is next? I can tell you that I have some big plans in place… but the core concept will stay the same. Come together as a community, lift big weights, and be a little better this year than we were the year before.


