Should Kids Lift Weights?
There is a lot of noise on whether kids should be lifting weights or not. Let’s take a stab at answering this one.
There is a lot of noise on whether kids should be lifting weights or not. Let’s take a stab at answering this one.
Rogue Fitness was my go-to equipment manufacturer for years. I spent nearly $2,000 on my initial gym set-up with them with bands, bars, rack, and other odds and ends. Rogue was the affordable American Made option for home gym enthusiasts. Over the years they even fought the good fight against the likes of the copy-cat […]
Kid’s should lift SIMILAR to their adult counterparts, or at least someone new to lifting. Take a look for details.
Interested in Knee Wraps for Powerlifting? here is some information you should check out before taking the plunge.
Sometimes in lifting you hit a wall that can’t be broken down by traditional measures. Enter, The Paradigm Shift.
A Diverse Audience Means Opportunities and success leaves clues. Pay attention to the best in every area, not just your own.
RPE is the buzzword of lifting coaches. You should RPE your breakfast! But what does it mean? And how do you do that? Check this out!
The first GGC article by Christina Leonatti is on point, POWERLIFTING AIN’T PRETTY. She digs into misconceptions and reality.
One of the biggest challenges facing anyone who goes to the gym is the comparison trap.
Goal setting is the simple act of identifying where you are now and setting a target for where you want to be. If you don’t have goals, that is actually OK. If you work out because it is good for you, or you just enjoy it. If you eat healthy because your doctor said so, […]