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GGC Cool Clubs

You Did It…

Welcome To The Cool Kids Club


5 Year Club Members



First Name Username
Andy Andy.simonson
Anthony Tonyperry21
Audrey gray_matter_lifting
Babatunde Minneswoletagaragegym
Ben notstrong__justfat
Brad born2bbrad
Brandon bamis51
Brandon ocupatdown
Brennan bren_miller
Chris quadzillacdn
Christina Big_c_smallz
Christopher choangy1
Cindy Cindydeadman
Clarisse clarisse_darques
Clinton Clinton4255
Dan Squatfather1974
Dana dana.m.tobin
Derek BooduhMan
Eddie eddie.baumgartner
Emily emilymsith
Geovanno Geohasan_ig
Greg Aggressively_average_greg
Henry henryartz
Hinds Dad_lifting
Hunter hstewart0224
Jake Swoleypotato
Jamie gray_matter_lifting
Jared bayouboy_jaredalleman
Jason Tinonee_tough_house
Jeremiah Theexcuse_garagegyms
John biboh
Jonathan jonofuhrman
Joseph gray_matter_lifting
Joseph grim_magnus
Joshua jammn
Keith Strongmanpharmd
Kevin gosnell.kevin
Kodi Kb.fitness.20
Kristin 5771emk
Kyle Mr_squat_a_pony
Lee Dead.lee.lifter
Manda bigbadwolff24
Marc garagegymdads
Marcus mjwylie11
Mathieu thedriverkaya
Matt joinordiebarbellclub
Matt Matt89johnson
Matt ThePokeChop
Matt Tattooed_saiyan
Matthew theironspud
Matthew stone_free777
Megan megan_powerlifts
Mike Slickboader89
Mindy Fittcoachmindy
Miranda mwatkins09
Mitch mlrogers019
Neale Nglin124
Rachel rbwalker15
Robb fighting.50
Ryan _meest
Sean Senabileylifts
Shauna The_sprkly_unicorn
Stephen Steveko89
Steve jetpack.hulahoop
Stewart sjyoung29
Taylor Taylor.elg
Thomas tenneliftsthings
Tim burkt10
Tim shoreway_barbell_club
Timothy tlbail01
Travis papabearrogers
Tyler tsh148pl
Will willf.98
Xavier notstrong__justfat
Zain mrzain

The Details

The Garage Gym Competition began in 2018. So being here for 5 years is a pretty exclusive group of individuals. So lets recognize these outstanding people for showing up again, and again, and again, and again, and again…

5 Year GGC Club

How Do I Join The 5 Year Club?

Pretty simple… Compete in the Garage Gym Competition for 5 years. 5 events doesn’t count… gotta be 5 YEARS!

What Do I Get?

Winners receive a complimentary 5 Year Club Sticker!

999lb Club

For the dudes that break into that big lifter realm.

999lb club

This list is any male athlete who has put together a cumulative total of over 999lb since our 2022 Fall Event where we created the 999lb Club.

How Do I Join The 499/999lb Club?

Enter the GGC, and lift a combined total in one event of more than 499lb for females, and 999lb for males.

Shirts & Stickers Are Available

Want to celebrate your achievement and support the Garage Gym Competition?

499lb Club

For the dudettes that break into that big lifter realm.

999lb club

This list is any female athlete who has put together a cumulative total of over 499lb since our 2022 Fall Event where we created the 499lb Club.


There is more to come. 

We are currently working on a Hall of Fame, as well as ideas around combining every years data into one repository… maybe one off awards like Strongest Family, Most GGCs without a prize win, Biggest Squat, Bench, and Deadlift to date, or Biggest Local Meet.

If you have an idea for a cool club or group or fancy award we should hand out, contact us and fire away. Most of our best ideas so far were from all of you!

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Training tips, discount codes, equipment reviews, new sponsors and prizes, and so much more… Delivered to your Inbox every two weeks!