You Did It…
Welcome To The Cool Kids Club

5 Year Club Members
First Name | Username |
Andy | Andy.simonson |
Anthony | Tonyperry21 |
Audrey | gray_matter_lifting |
Babatunde | Minneswoletagaragegym |
Ben | notstrong__justfat |
Brad | born2bbrad |
Brandon | bamis51 |
Brandon | ocupatdown |
Brennan | bren_miller |
Chris | quadzillacdn |
Christina | Big_c_smallz |
Christopher | choangy1 |
Cindy | Cindydeadman |
Clarisse | clarisse_darques |
Clinton | Clinton4255 |
Dan | Squatfather1974 |
Dana | dana.m.tobin |
Derek | BooduhMan |
Eddie | eddie.baumgartner |
Emily | emilymsith |
Geovanno | Geohasan_ig |
Greg | Aggressively_average_greg |
Henry | henryartz |
Hinds | Dad_lifting |
Hunter | hstewart0224 |
Jake | Swoleypotato |
Jamie | gray_matter_lifting |
Jared | bayouboy_jaredalleman |
Jason | Tinonee_tough_house |
Jeremiah | Theexcuse_garagegyms |
John | biboh |
Jonathan | jonofuhrman |
Joseph | gray_matter_lifting |
Joseph | grim_magnus |
Joshua | jammn |
Keith | Strongmanpharmd |
Kevin | gosnell.kevin |
Kodi | |
Kristin | 5771emk |
Kyle | Mr_squat_a_pony |
Lee | Dead.lee.lifter |
Manda | bigbadwolff24 |
Marc | garagegymdads |
Marcus | mjwylie11 |
Mathieu | thedriverkaya |
Matt | joinordiebarbellclub |
Matt | Matt89johnson |
Matt | ThePokeChop |
Matt | Tattooed_saiyan |
Matthew | theironspud |
Matthew | stone_free777 |
Megan | megan_powerlifts |
Mike | Slickboader89 |
Mindy | Fittcoachmindy |
Miranda | mwatkins09 |
Mitch | mlrogers019 |
Neale | Nglin124 |
Rachel | rbwalker15 |
Robb | fighting.50 |
Ryan | _meest |
Sean | Senabileylifts |
Shauna | The_sprkly_unicorn |
Stephen | Steveko89 |
Steve | jetpack.hulahoop |
Stewart | sjyoung29 |
Taylor | Taylor.elg |
Thomas | tenneliftsthings |
Tim | burkt10 |
Tim | shoreway_barbell_club |
Timothy | tlbail01 |
Travis | papabearrogers |
Tyler | tsh148pl |
Will | willf.98 |
Xavier | notstrong__justfat |
Zain | mrzain |
The Details
The Garage Gym Competition began in 2018. So being here for 5 years is a pretty exclusive group of individuals. So lets recognize these outstanding people for showing up again, and again, and again, and again, and again…

How Do I Join The 5 Year Club?
What Do I Get?

999lb Club
For the dudes that break into that big lifter realm.

This list is any male athlete who has put together a cumulative total of over 999lb since our 2022 Fall Event where we created the 999lb Club.
How Do I Join The 499/999lb Club?
Shirts & Stickers Are Available

499lb Club
For the dudettes that break into that big lifter realm.

This list is any female athlete who has put together a cumulative total of over 499lb since our 2022 Fall Event where we created the 499lb Club.
There is more to come.
We are currently working on a Hall of Fame, as well as ideas around combining every years data into one repository… maybe one off awards like Strongest Family, Most GGCs without a prize win, Biggest Squat, Bench, and Deadlift to date, or Biggest Local Meet.
If you have an idea for a cool club or group or fancy award we should hand out, contact us and fire away. Most of our best ideas so far were from all of you!