2022 was a year of firsts. We introduced JuggernautAI as our Presenting Sponsor who helped us with a ton of awesome tips, tricks, and more, especially for the GGC Email crowd. We brought in Texas Power Bars as our Official Barbell Sponsor who helped us with some Barbell 101 education. Surplus Strength was our Family Sponsor who helped promote strong families in the home gym. We introduced our GGC Local Meets with the help of Garage Gym Experiment as our local meet sponsor, with over 20 registered meets and almost 200 athletes participating in one. And we crowned our Top Athletes and GGC Ambassador, who are receiving the first GGC Medals! The 2022 Spring Garage Gym Competition Results were our first “official” Post COVID results showing that we weren’t going anywhere!
And we had over 35 sponsors with over $30k in prizes, donated almost $2,000 to Special Olympics… and we’ve still got another event coming in the Fall.
You can find the 2022 Spring Garage Gym Competition Results spreadsheet here: Download Final Results
If you got caught in my prank with the “final results”, I promise on everything I hold sacred, that the links here are not more Rick Rolls. That would be hilarious, but they are not.
GGC Ambassador
The “GGC Ambassador” Award is going to be given out at every event this year (potentially going forward). It may have a different name each time, it may be given out for different reasons… but the general idea is that I get to pick someone who I believe has earned a little something extra for what they bring to the GGC.
Working Class Barbell is The 2022 Spring GGC Ambassador!
Over the last five years, WCB has hosted a “local meet” in their backyard for lifters in their area. Each and every year this has grown, and become a bigger and more badass event. From food, to beer, to competition plates and racks, to video work, photography, live stream services from Garage Gym Life and more… Their meet is the pinnacle of Local GGC Meets, and is the original influence for the idea.
This year we had over 20 local meet registered, with almost 200 athletes stating they competed at a local meet.
The feedback from these events is stellar. People are building communities of strength in their own backyard, literally, and forging friendships and good times surrounded around powerlifting and the GGC.
The work that WCB has done over the past 5 years has not only positively impacted the lifters in their own local meet, but hundreds of lifters all over with many more to come.
Because of this and their ongoing support of the GGC, I am very happy to select and award Working Class Barbell as the first GGC Ambassador. Ryan might be the face of the crew, but what makes them special is the crew as a whole, hence the entire team receiving this award.
They will take home a custom GGC award as well, courtesy of Weight It Out.
2022 Spring Sponsors and Prizes
In 2021 we had over $30k in prizes and over 30 sponsors!
The weights have been lifted... The videos have been uploaded... The posts have been Hashtagged... The winners have been announced... That is a WRAP on the 2022 Spring Garage Gym Competition.
First and foremost, thank you to my wife, mom, and daughter. Some of you know may know, I quit my job of over 10 years in November in 2021. The last 6 months I’ve been doing a full time Garage Gym job, running this competition, and a number of other things. Without the help and support of these three, I would have never taken the plunge. They continue to support me in every way, from allowing me to lift at odd hours (twice a day), to taking the leap for the self-employed aspect, to a number of other things. My core team, has, and always will be, these three.
Second, everyone else who reached out in support when I made the announcement of me trying the self-employed route. From LinkedIn, to Facebook, to YouTube, to Email, to Instagram… overwhelming support from so many was just… awesome.
Third, the sponsors! Working with some of the sponsors over the years, getting the inside scoop, building relationships, connecting with people who are WAY above my pay-grade in the powerlifting community, it has been surreal. And no year so far has been more insane than this year. Working with Chad Wesley Smith was a real moment for me. I got off the phone and went “Wow, that was Chad… and we just talked, no big deal… crazy” He is a truly honest and solid dude, so it isn’t like he carries himself as some “important” person, but just casually having a call and sharing texts and emails with him was a point of “I guess this is real” for me. Then having conversations with companies like the legendary Texas Power Bars was just an honor. I get an email from A7 after filling out their sponsor application and they tell me how well done everything is, how cool our event is, etc. I’ve worked with the little guys in the game this year, and the big guys. And just shooting the shit with Jason at Surplus Srength and Brian at Weight It Out amongst others. Passing messages back and forth between Matt at Pioneer and having him reassure the cool stuff we are doing (for someone who sponsors so many Powerlifting events, its awesome to hear that), and having discussions about equipment and the industry with Jarrad at Prime Fitness. Hopping on the Massenomics podcast in between Jim Wendler, Robert Oberst, Ray Williams, and Marisa Inda… just insane. So many conversations this year, by phone, text, email, IG DM… and they are all awesome. These sponsors provide all of the fun prizes and help keep the lights on for the GGC. I am forever grateful for their involvement in this thing I thought would be cool to do.
And last, but certainly not least, is all of you. Every year I’m legit shocked at the participation in the event and I get so excited to see people making comments about how much they look forward to it, how much they enjoyed it, how much it means to them, to their family, to their friends. Something I started because I thought it would be cool, has had an actual positive impact on peoples lives. The kind words light me up every year, and get me charged for another year to come. Seeing the big lifts (and the small ones), seeing the excitement on peoples faces as they do something they never thought they could or as they tackle a PR they’ve been chasing… as a lifter myself I know that feeling. And the fact that I can be a small part in that journey and feeling with you, well that is what I love about this. So thank YOU for letting me go on that ride with you.
This year is only half over, and it has already been so awesome. I can’t wait for the fall event, our very first, and to see what craziness we are able to bring together.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this Spring event special… time to get to work for the Fall!
2022 Spring Garage Gym Competition
2022 Spring Garage Gym Competition
2022 was a year of firsts. We introduced JuggernautAI as our Presenting Sponsor who helped us with a ton of awesome tips, tricks, and more, especially for the GGC Email crowd. We brought in Texas Power Bars as our Official Barbell Sponsor who helped us with some Barbell 101 education. Surplus Strength was our Family Sponsor who helped promote strong families in the home gym. We introduced our GGC Local Meets with the help of Garage Gym Experiment as our local meet sponsor, with over 20 registered meets and almost 200 athletes participating in one. And we crowned our Top Athletes and GGC Ambassador, who are receiving the first GGC Medals! The 2022 Spring Garage Gym Competition Results were our first “official” Post COVID results showing that we weren’t going anywhere!
And we had over 35 sponsors with over $30k in prizes, donated almost $2,000 to Special Olympics… and we’ve still got another event coming in the Fall.
You can find the 2022 Spring Garage Gym Competition Results spreadsheet here: Download Final Results
The 2022 Spring GGC Recap can be found here: 2022 Spring Recap
You can also check out one of our favorite athletes data dive here: https://openor.blog/2022/04/07/ggc-results-2022/
If you got caught in my prank with the “final results”, I promise on everything I hold sacred, that the links here are not more Rick Rolls. That would be hilarious, but they are not.
GGC Ambassador
The “GGC Ambassador” Award is going to be given out at every event this year (potentially going forward). It may have a different name each time, it may be given out for different reasons… but the general idea is that I get to pick someone who I believe has earned a little something extra for what they bring to the GGC.
Working Class Barbell is The 2022 Spring GGC Ambassador!
Over the last five years, WCB has hosted a “local meet” in their backyard for lifters in their area. Each and every year this has grown, and become a bigger and more badass event. From food, to beer, to competition plates and racks, to video work, photography, live stream services from Garage Gym Life and more… Their meet is the pinnacle of Local GGC Meets, and is the original influence for the idea.
This year we had over 20 local meet registered, with almost 200 athletes stating they competed at a local meet.
The feedback from these events is stellar. People are building communities of strength in their own backyard, literally, and forging friendships and good times surrounded around powerlifting and the GGC.
The work that WCB has done over the past 5 years has not only positively impacted the lifters in their own local meet, but hundreds of lifters all over with many more to come.
Because of this and their ongoing support of the GGC, I am very happy to select and award Working Class Barbell as the first GGC Ambassador. Ryan might be the face of the crew, but what makes them special is the crew as a whole, hence the entire team receiving this award.
They will take home a custom GGC award as well, courtesy of Weight It Out.
2022 Spring Sponsors and Prizes
In 2021 we had over $30k in prizes and over 30 sponsors!
CLOSING CEREMONIES The weights have been lifted... The videos have been uploaded... The posts have been Hashtagged... The winners have been announced... That is a WRAP on the 2022 Spring Garage Gym Competition.
First and foremost, thank you to my wife, mom, and daughter. Some of you know may know, I quit my job of over 10 years in November in 2021. The last 6 months I’ve been doing a full time Garage Gym job, running this competition, and a number of other things. Without the help and support of these three, I would have never taken the plunge. They continue to support me in every way, from allowing me to lift at odd hours (twice a day), to taking the leap for the self-employed aspect, to a number of other things. My core team, has, and always will be, these three.
Second, everyone else who reached out in support when I made the announcement of me trying the self-employed route. From LinkedIn, to Facebook, to YouTube, to Email, to Instagram… overwhelming support from so many was just… awesome.
Third, the sponsors! Working with some of the sponsors over the years, getting the inside scoop, building relationships, connecting with people who are WAY above my pay-grade in the powerlifting community, it has been surreal. And no year so far has been more insane than this year. Working with Chad Wesley Smith was a real moment for me. I got off the phone and went “Wow, that was Chad… and we just talked, no big deal… crazy” He is a truly honest and solid dude, so it isn’t like he carries himself as some “important” person, but just casually having a call and sharing texts and emails with him was a point of “I guess this is real” for me. Then having conversations with companies like the legendary Texas Power Bars was just an honor. I get an email from A7 after filling out their sponsor application and they tell me how well done everything is, how cool our event is, etc. I’ve worked with the little guys in the game this year, and the big guys. And just shooting the shit with Jason at Surplus Srength and Brian at Weight It Out amongst others. Passing messages back and forth between Matt at Pioneer and having him reassure the cool stuff we are doing (for someone who sponsors so many Powerlifting events, its awesome to hear that), and having discussions about equipment and the industry with Jarrad at Prime Fitness. Hopping on the Massenomics podcast in between Jim Wendler, Robert Oberst, Ray Williams, and Marisa Inda… just insane. So many conversations this year, by phone, text, email, IG DM… and they are all awesome. These sponsors provide all of the fun prizes and help keep the lights on for the GGC. I am forever grateful for their involvement in this thing I thought would be cool to do.
And last, but certainly not least, is all of you. Every year I’m legit shocked at the participation in the event and I get so excited to see people making comments about how much they look forward to it, how much they enjoyed it, how much it means to them, to their family, to their friends. Something I started because I thought it would be cool, has had an actual positive impact on peoples lives. The kind words light me up every year, and get me charged for another year to come. Seeing the big lifts (and the small ones), seeing the excitement on peoples faces as they do something they never thought they could or as they tackle a PR they’ve been chasing… as a lifter myself I know that feeling. And the fact that I can be a small part in that journey and feeling with you, well that is what I love about this. So thank YOU for letting me go on that ride with you.
This year is only half over, and it has already been so awesome. I can’t wait for the fall event, our very first, and to see what craziness we are able to bring together.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this Spring event special… time to get to work for the Fall!
More donations to Special Olympics!
Local Meet Hosts
Our first year of promoting local meets!
GGC Meet Shirts
Meet shirts returned!
After Event Fun!
Fall event? Yes PLEASE!!!