GGC Coaches & Contributors

Mark Rosenberg
Mark Rosenberg is DeadliestLift. Breaking all the lifting rules because he can… and maybe you should too?

Sanjiv Gupta
When we first started the Garage Gym Competition, the ideas was centered around trying to make an event that anyone with the basics could participate in. Whether you were a powerlifter, or not. In some ways that worked, because we got guys and gals who train grip, olympic lifts, CrossFit, and more… all tossing in […]

Christina Leonatti
Christina Leonatti is the founder and president of Pull Your Heart Out, an active GGC athlete, and contributor.

Josh Maxwell, MD, CPT
Josh Maxwell – Pediatrician, NASM certified personal trainer, and home gym design specialist, dad, and proud member of the 999lb club.

Hunter Richardson
Hunter Richardson fits the rapidly-growing “hybrid athlete” cliché mold of being outstandingly average in feats of both strength and endurance
Sam Funderburk
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. But what do you do when live collapses your left lung in your 20s? Well if you are anything like Sam Funderburk, you say F*&K it! I’m gonna be a powerlifter.