GGC Athletes
Find out what makes them tick, keeps them going, and what they think of the Garage Gym Competition!

If you don’t love our athletes… I hate you.
Just kidding… kind of.
Mathieu Auclert, hailing from France, has competed every single year of the GGC, in every single event. Lets. Go!
There are a handful of people who have competed every single year in the GGC. Our athlete today, Alex Diaz, is one of them.
Simon Falta is only 17 years old and at 163 pounds, he is eyeing down a 1323 pound total, and he's only been powerlifting for two years.
Michael Red Tomahawk Sr. has been grinding in his brothers basement to get after the 2022 Spring event. He holds state records in the UPSA.
Mike Curry has leveraged the GGC over the past several years to change not only his body, but how he defines himself as a human being.
Babatunde (Tim) Awoyinka came back from two herniated discs in 2017, to compete in the GGC in 2019. Then came back in 2020, and in 2021.
Dan Mahoney of the Working Class Barbell Crew, runs through the GGC as more than just his lifts, but his generosity as well.
Kelly Itsell has used the GGC to be the strongest she has ever been while working with clients to be the strongest they have ever been.
Danielle Hamilton got strong to crush social stigmas and blaze a path forward for other people and the next generation.
Ever talk to someone and feel like you instantly know their entire life experience and everything about them? That is Christina Leonatti.
Over 4000 athletes have competed in the GGC… Every month we share the story of one of our athletes.
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